On 27th October 2022, the Department of Diplomacy and International Studies (DDIS) held the first seminar dialogue focusing on the Nexus between Terrorism and Separatism. It was an enlightening moment for our students, lecturers and the other stake-holders. Scholars presented diverse topics that scrutinized the nexus, causes and drivers of  terrorism and visible solutions that can alleviate the diverse and complex threats that faces prone countries. 

Joint validation retreat for draft Curriculum and Course Content- 14th -16th, Sept. 2022

The staff and members of Department of Diplomacy and the Center for Parliamentary Studies and Training (CPST) are curently at a validation retreat for five days to review a draft curriculum and course content and also harmonize the course units, including incoperating stakeholders feedack. This collaboration will lead to the provision of a Masters Degree in Diplomacy for the staff and members of parliament and their affiliates.  

SDGs Children book Launched.

The launch marks the beginning of self-realization to the children of Kenya and beyond by the fact of knowledge that they are stakeholders in solving the world’s biggest problems through SDGs.  Also the launch creates awareness to caregivers like parents and guardians to know that they play an important part by enabling their children bring SDGs solution to life.