Cover photo for the launch of the African Inter-Party Dialogue Network

Today marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of democratic governance, peace, and development in Africa as the African Inter-Party Dialogue Network (AIPDN) is officially launched. AIPDN, a groundbreaking platform, aims to foster inter-party dialogue and strengthen multi-party democracy across the continent.

With inter-party dialogue serving as a vital avenue for promoting the national agenda, consensus building, and conflict prevention, AIPDN seeks to reduce unhealthy rivalries and tensions often associated with competitive multi-party electoral systems. By providing a platform for learning, experience sharing, and collaboration, AIPDN is set to transform the governance-peace-security-development nexus in Africa.

Under the leadership of The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) mediation Support Unit (MSU), AIPDN will facilitate conversations among political parties, policy-makers, and stakeholders to foster societal harmony beyond the realm of electoral politics. The network recognizes the crucial role of inter-party dialogue mechanisms in sustaining peace and stability, policy formulation, public administration, parliamentary processes, conflict resolution, peace mediation, and promoting good governance.

The establishment of AIPDN is guided by a charter, outlining its structures, mandate, and objectives. The network will operate as a legally recognized entity, capable of entering into contracts and engaging in legal proceedings. It will operate in accordance with the charter, resolutions adopted by its Governing Structures, and its Operating Policies and Procedures. AIPDN's guiding principles emphasize the importance of cooperation with other inter-party dialogue mechanisms in Africa.

Through experience sharing, information exchange, training, and pooling of resources, AIPDN aims to advance inter-party dialogue, democratic governance, peace, and conflict prevention. The network's objectives include supporting the African Union (AU) and Regional Economic Communities (RECs)/Regional Mechanisms (RMs) in promoting good governance and peace, expanding knowledge of emerging trends, and advocating for strengthened inter-party dialogue mechanisms at the regional and country levels.

The launch of AIPDN represents a significant step towards fostering a united, prosperous, and peaceful Africa driven by its own people. The network will provide a platform for stakeholders to exchange experiences, engage in dialogue, and collectively work towards achieving the shared vision of sustainable development and inclusive governance.

About AIPDN: The African Inter-Party Dialogue Network (AIPDN) is a platform dedicated to advancing conversations around the governance-peace-security-development nexus in Africa. By promoting inter-party dialogue, AIPDN aims to strengthen multi-party democracy, reduce rivalry and tensions, and contribute to conflict prevention.

Through learning, experience sharing, and collaboration, the network strives to enhance the role of inter-party dialogue in sustaining societal harmony and promoting good governance in Africa. AIPDN is hosted by the IGAD Mediation Support Unit (MSU) and the Interim Secretariat is managed by the Social Innovation Africa (SIA)/University Partnership.

Founding partner organizations include the African Youth Initiative Network (AYINET), Africa Bioethics Network (ABN), Centre for Democratic Development (CDD) – Ghana, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), and Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IPPIA), USIU-A.